Ready for an adventure to last a lifetime?


Now Enrolling for 2024

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How does it work?

Are you ready to dive into the journey of becoming a camp counselor? The process may seem complex at first, but here we'll explore in detail. From preparing an outstanding application to choosing the right camp, we've got you covered every step of the way. Let's start this adventure together!

Program Cost

Getting started is as easy as filling out your application. Once you've applied, we will reach out to you, guiding you through the exciting journey of becoming a camp counselor. This initial step sets the stage for your adventure, ensuring you're well-prepared and connected from the get-go.

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The Process

With your visa in hand, you're ready to embark on your American adventure. This chapter covers all aspects of your journey, from orientation sessions to the logistics of getting to camp. We'll ensure you're well-informed and ready for the exciting experiences that await you as a camp counselor in the United States. Your adventure begins here!

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How much does it cost?

The cost of attending a summer camp in the USA varies depending on whether it's your first time at camp or if you're a returning camper. This difference in cost is primarily due to the fact that returning campers have already undergone certain sponsorship, placement, and eligibility checks, thanks to their prior camp experience.

First Time Applicant

  • Deposit:


  • After Successful Interview


  • After Summer Camp Placement


  • Total


Returning Applicant

  • Deposit:


  • After Successful Interview


  • After Summer Camp Placement


  • Total



The compensation for working at a summer camp in the USA is negotiable and can vary based on several factors. It's important to note that the figures provided here represent the minimum compensation, as many camp counselors typically earn more. Compensation is influenced by factors such as your qualifications, experience, and the specific camp you are working for. Negotiations regarding compensation can often be part of the hiring process, so feel free to discuss your expectations and inquire about potential additional benefits with your camp employer.


Base Pay$2,000 (At least $19.50 dollars/hour)Special Needs Couselor (If qualify)+ $150Special Certification (If qualify)+ $50 (At least >$50)Returning Counselor Bonus  (If qualify)+ Negotiable  Housing Cost (Full duration of the camp)+ $0Food Cost (Full duration of the camp)+ $0> $2,000 Pocket money

Counselors typically receive higher compensation than support staff. This is because counselor roles often involve utilizing certifications and specialized skills, allowing for additional pay. Your compensation as a counselor is negotiable and dependent on factors such as qualifications and experience. Camps may offer competitive compensation packages to attract and retain skilled counselors.

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Returning Applicant

Base Pay$2,000 (At least $19.50 dollars/hour)Returning Support Staff Bonus  (If qualify)+ Negotiable  Housing Cost (Full duration of the camp)+ $0Food Cost (Full duration of the camp)+ $0> $2,000 Pocket money

Support staff positions offer a unique balance of flexibility and freedom within the camp environment. Compensation for support staff is negotiable and varies based on qualifications and experience. These roles provide an opportunity to contribute to camp operations while enjoying a work environment that values adaptability and autonomy. Camps often offer competitive compensation packages to attract support staff members who can enhance the camp experience.

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The Process

Our camp counselor/staff application process can sometimes seem complex. We're here to simplify it for you, guiding you through each step with clarity and support.

  • 01

    Contact Us

    Interested in our camp counselor/staff program? Contact us, and we'll provide more information and help you decide if the program is right for you.

  • 02

    Craft Your Application

    Crafting your application is the first step to securing a position with our partner camps. We're here to guide you in creating a standout application and even help you produce a winning video. Let's work together to help you make the cut and get hired!

    What you'll need

    • $60 Deposit (Non refundable)
    • Filled out application
    • Resume
  • 03

    Aceing your Interview

    Preparing for your interview? We're here to help you shine. Our tips and guidance will ensure you're fully prepared to ace your interview and make a lasting impression.

    What you'll need

    • $190 Payment
    • 3 Letters of recommendation
  • 04

    Wait for Offers

    Now, it's time to wait for your offer. Our partners will be reviewing applications and making selections. We appreciate your patience, and we'll send out offers as soon as they're ready. Fingers crossed for an exciting adventure ahead!

  • 05

    Negotiated your Compensation

    When the right camp extends an offer to you, you'll have the opportunity to negotiate and make sure it's the perfect fit. Once you're satisfied, accepting the offer will be your next exciting step towards an amazing camp experience

    What you'll need

    • $195 Payment
    • Visa Fee (Around $200 dollar)
    • A Police Background Check
  • 06

    Schedule Visa Appointment

    While you wait for the DS-2019 invitation to arrive. Scheduling your appointment with the US Embassy is a crucial step in your journey to working at a U.S. camp. Our team is here to guide you through this process, ensuring a hassle-free experience. We'll assist you every step of the way to help you secure your visa and make your camp dreams a reality.

  • 07

    Attend the Visa Interview:

    Attend the scheduled visa interview at the US Embassy. During the interview, be prepared to answer questions about your intended camp employment, travel plans, and other relevant details. Be honest and concise in your responses.

    What you'll need

    • Current Passport
    • DS-2019 invitation (we will send you)
  • 08

    Pre-Departure Preparations:

    With your visa in hand, you can proceed with pre-departure preparations, including booking your flight, obtaining necessary travel insurance, and preparing for your camp experience. Which include orientations.

  • 09

    Travel and Camp Arrival

    Finally, it's time to travel to the United States and join your camp. Ensure that you have all required documentation and are well-prepared for your camp counselor/staff role.